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Its hardening off time!

Its hardening off time!

The growing season is here! And this means its time to get those seedlings planted outside, but before you do that, make sure you harden them off.. Your seedlings have been pampered indoors for weeks. They need to be introduced slowly to the elements of wind and intense sun.


Initially, you will put plants outdoors only for short periods of time, perhaps for a couple of hours. You'll want to set them in a semi-shaded area. Gradually, you will increase the time plants are kept outdoors; you also will gradually increase their exposure to sun. after about a week, these plants will be ready for the outdoor life 20121005-171247.jpg

As part of acclimating the plants to the outdoors, you also will cut back on watering. This will allow plants to toughen and will prepare them for being transplanted. If you still havent prepared your soil, now is the best time; work some compost and mineral rock dust in your soil, turning it and preparing it for those hungry seedlings.

Alzainah Albabtain
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Pruning peppers

Pruning peppers

To get pepper seedlings growing strong and healthy before making their move outside, prune them back for bushier and lower plants that branch out and give much more fruit.

20120926-145015.jpg Cut them back, right under the first fork, and side shoots will grow. Below is the same plant a few weeks later..

20120926-145523.jpg With all plants, go for low, bushy plants instead of tall single stemmed. This is especially applicable for basil plants, the more pruning you do, the more basil you get.
Alzainah Albabtain
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