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Pruning = Harvest

Pruning = Harvest

The best way for a home gardener to get the best out of their leafy greens is the 'cut and come again' method. This method is practiced by cutting a few of the outer leaves of each plant while leaving around 2/3 of the plant. This allows the plant to force new leaves to grow and not resort to flowering very soon. If you leave your plant for a long time without pruning (cutting) it will slow its growth down and begin to flower. Weekly harvest Weekly harvest[/caption] In a large enough garden, you can gather all of the pruning which will give you back more leaves in a matter of days, and turn it into a harvest. This is how I always harvest my leafy greens to get them to live longer and produce faster. Cut and come again method Cut and come again method for Pak ChoiCut and come again method
Cut and come again method for Mustard
Cut and come again for Arugula Cut and come again for Arugula.   Just cut a few of the outer leaves, leaving the plant still strong enough to create more leaves. Never strip away your plant. Weekly harvest Weekly harvest
Alzainah Albabtain
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Collecting Basil Seeds

Collecting Basil Seeds


When basil flowers start to drop and the flower pods turn brown, it's time to collect seeds. Only pollinated flower pods will have seeds in them so dont expect to find seeds in every pod. This is why having bees and beneficial insects in the garden is important.


Cut away the browning stems, and start unwrapping the pods to find the seeds.


It doesn't get easier than this. Now is great time to plant basil seeds, so start collecting!


Alzainah Albabtain
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Very Giving Rainbow Swiss Chard

Very Giving Rainbow Swiss Chard


This nutrient rich leafy green has been giving since september! Six long months and it hasn't lost its gorgeous colors..



This is a plant perfect for the Kuwaiti winter, I've harvested baskets after basket, and it keeps producing! It's been a great addition to my garden, if you plan on growing one thing next winter, grow rainbow swiss chard.

Alzainah Albabtain
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Super fast radishes

Super fast radishes

If you want to grow something super fast, radishes are for you, these things are ready to harvest in 25 days! And they need no special care, just pull them out when they start to pop out of the soil! They're great for the soil too..



Alzainah Albabtain
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Pulling Carrots

Pulling Carrots

Today I am harvesting cosmic purple carrots. They smell amazing as I am pulling them out!




Alzainah Albabtain
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